Radio show.

I know, there's a lot of internet radio shows around, but the fact that we're featured in this show makes me happy. Check it out:

/ Magnus

Five new live dates.

We are happy to announce five new live shows in May & June. More specific information about each show will follow shortly.

14 maj 2009 20:00
TBA Sala
15 maj 2009 20:00
TBA Örebro
16 maj 2009 20:00
O’Learys Uppsala
31 maj 2009 18:00
Yeahfestivalen Örebro
12 jun 2009 21:30
Fett mé Kärlek Uppsala

See you soon!

The releaseparty last night.

The releaseparty last night was nothing but a big success! We would like to thank the 200+ friends and strangers who turned up. Extra thanks to Sverre and Erik for being just great hosts!

The EP is now out, listen to it, download it, spread it! Two songs are available at our myspace page.


Magnus, Sebbe, Ludde & Staffan

EP cover.

The EP cover art.

Make sure to attend to our release party the 15th of april at GH Nation (kårleg)! We'll give you some more news and songs as soon as the EP is mixed and mastered.