
Visual news in a not too distant future.

Tote bags.

We have a couple of tote bags available for purchase, if you are interested in buying one, throw us an e-mail at . Affordable and useful!

Movie recording.

We have been spending the weekend preparing and recording a short movie that will be presented in a couple of weeks.

Photo: Mathias Stenback

Photo: Mathias Stenback


Thought I should give you a heads up for these interesting blogs that also happened to write about us:

aversion online
gunrunner blog
it's a trap
alternative volume
lie in the sound


We are currently pre-producing some new songs that we will record the 15th of November for a short movie.
Recording vocals.

Buggi & Sebbe.

We are the Storm.

We are aware that the blog updates are not too frequent nowadays, but we're still spending a lot of time in the rehersal room working on new material. But we'll in a not too distant future return with some semi-big news pretty soon, something live and something visual. Take care!

4/6 of the Storm + some friends, on tour, May 2009

Seven down, etc.

Another picture blog from the rehersal room, not too exciting. But for you who actually read this, you now know that the song writing process is developing just fine and that the next release approaches.


Buggis, Staffan, Magnus


We are currently spending time in our rehersal space writing songs for our upcoming release(s).

Buggi & Ludde.

Ludde, sicken pajas.


Video blog 1.

The last few days.

Sebbe & Rikard, trying out one of the new songs.

We are the Storm in our local newspaper, UNT.

Christoffer, Magnus & Sebbe. We went to Stockholm to attend a movie premiere, a couple of related parties and to meet some people. Nothing could top the quiescent swim by Västerbron at the end of the night though.

Staffan & Erik. Erik managed to break his wrist which resulted in us getting well acquainted with Södersjukhuset.

Karlsrogatan sessions part 2.

We are currently writing and pre-producing new material for an EP release in a not too distant future. More news soon.


Two of our songs will be featured in the movie 'Scener ur ett Kändisskap', in cinemas the 17th of July.


There are a lot of people taking photos of us at our live appearances, are you one of them? Then please e-mail them to us or throw us a bdb/flickr/etc...-link!

Semi-big news are cooking, keep coming back and we'll keep you updated.


Listen to our EP.

<a href="">Where we used to be Heroes by We are the Storm</a>

This summer.

We're currently spending some time in our rehersal space writing new material. One or two of the new songs will be presented to those of you who plan to attend the 'Fett me Kärlek' festival in Uppsala next week.


A videocamera was thrown into the tour bus, three days and nights were documented. As one can see we had a great time.


A couple of music blogs have chosen to write about us and our music the past week or so. Follow these links:

Indie today
It's a trap
Absolute noise


Download our EP!

Download our EP in high quality format (mp3, FLAC, ogg... you name it) here:


Radio show.

I know, there's a lot of internet radio shows around, but the fact that we're featured in this show makes me happy. Check it out:

/ Magnus

Five new live dates.

We are happy to announce five new live shows in May & June. More specific information about each show will follow shortly.

14 maj 2009 20:00
TBA Sala
15 maj 2009 20:00
TBA Örebro
16 maj 2009 20:00
O’Learys Uppsala
31 maj 2009 18:00
Yeahfestivalen Örebro
12 jun 2009 21:30
Fett mé Kärlek Uppsala

See you soon!

The releaseparty last night.

The releaseparty last night was nothing but a big success! We would like to thank the 200+ friends and strangers who turned up. Extra thanks to Sverre and Erik for being just great hosts!

The EP is now out, listen to it, download it, spread it! Two songs are available at our myspace page.


Magnus, Sebbe, Ludde & Staffan

EP cover.

The EP cover art.

Make sure to attend to our release party the 15th of april at GH Nation (kårleg)! We'll give you some more news and songs as soon as the EP is mixed and mastered.

Final day of recording.

We finished the recording of our EP tonight. Kristofer and Magnus at Tonteknik, Umeå will now apply a package of mixing and mastering to the final product. Expect a release in a few weeks.

Ludde, recording percussion.


EP recording & photo session.

So, what's been going on in the WATS camp? A great deal of things actually, we've put vocal tracks and some extra guitars on tape and after enduring a photo session we are now waiting for cover art and some promotional pictures to be delivered to us. Hopefully, the next blog post will be more detailed.

later / Magnus


Magnus & Kristofer.

Staffan, vocal recording.

Sebbe, Ludde & Staffan during the photo session.

indiesaurus rex.


We are the Storm records an EP, day one and two.

Day one -- Saturday morning: Staffan picked us (me (Ludde) and Magnus) up a quarter to nine. Magnus and I have never seen each other that early ever before, and will probably never do it again. Then, we went to pick up Kristofer "Nilson" Jönson, our producer man. He had a fever, but with the help of a bag full of anti-fever pills and vitamins he managed to stay awake all day. About half an hour late, we arrived at the studio where Sebastian and Rikard were waiting.

Naturally, it took more time than we had planned to rig everything and we only had until four thirty becuase Kristofer had to be at work at five. We were done with basically all the preparations around half past three.

All in all, since we had decided to record most instruments "live" in the studio, we finished recording the drums, bass and guitars on one song in half an hour. Well, all guitars except my guitar. It sounded more like a miserable bumblebee than an epicly distorted lead guitar. Everything else sounded great though. Some of us left to go to a party with a moustache theme, while some of us went home to write a blog post.


Sebbe, Magnus, Staffan and Ludde.

Day two -- Sunday afternoon: even though we had said that this weekend we would not drink at all so that we would not be hung-over while recording, everyone showed up at the studio in that exact condition. Even though I had planned to stay at home with a book as my company, Sebastian convinced me to come with them to the moustache party. I freaked out and shaved.

However tired, we were in a good mood and in high spirits! We finished recording the other 4 songs, and it sounded grand.

Afterwards we went to McDonald's to get some burgers. Magnus wanted an El Wrapo, while the rest of us ate McBeans. After finishing tidying up a bit we called it a wrap and went home. Sebbe's commando soldier bass guitar case almost didn't fit in the car.

Next week, Magnus and I will record some more guitars. Stay tuned for more tales of interest.


PS. Thanks Rikard for drumming and thanks Kristofer for recordning us while being sick. DS.

Sebbe and Staffan.


monday night.


friday night and the return of the beat.

Friday night, the outskirts of Uppsala, We are the Storm feasting on the victuals of Svartklubben.



preparations pt.2

Another sporadic blog post, some more sporadic photos.

Ludde & Staffan.

Staffan & Sebbe

Erik 'Bersa' Josefsson will return to Sweden tomorrow and ease our every-day angst. We are very happy about this.


We are currently spending time in different rehearsal spots, writing songs, rehearsing and waiting for our beloved drummer, Erik 'Bersa' Josefsson, to return.

Ludde and Staffan

Magnus and Staffan

signs of life.

We have uploaded one of the pre-production demos we've recorded this winter on our myspace page. Enjoy!

We are the Storm Myspace